Simple Personal Finance Management Tips

It is important that we start saving for a rainy day as early and as soon as possible. Personal finance management is essential in today’s day. In today’s capitalist society most people don’t think twice about taking loans to buy unnecessary and expensive things. The recession however has woken up most people and scared them into learning to manage their finances. Because of the daunting nature of this task or because of insufficient knowledge most people never know how to effectively manage their finances.

Getting started

There are many steps to follow during personal finance management. These are some of the most essential ones you need to know to get you started.

Prepare your Budget

Preparing a budget will help you to curb overspending. Total your net income from all sources like work salary, any mutual funds, alimony, etc. Prepare a list of all your monthly expenditures and how much it is going to cost. These would include your bills, shopping and household budget, insurance premiums, etc. This is a great way to learn to adjust your expenses and create an estimate of your actual monthly expenses.


After preparing a budget the next thing you need to do is save money. Preparing a budget gives you an idea of where you overspend. Depending on your income, open a saving account and contribute a suitable percentage of it towards your account. This account should be used only in the case of emergencies.


Investing is a great way to earn a little extra income. The best place to invest is in the mutual fund of a reputed company. There is minimum risk involved when investing in mutual funds compared to other stocks. Further more you can leave the worrying caused as a result of volatile stock markets to experienced and professional fund managers.


Insurance is a great way to secure your future. It also reduces the risk of needing to empty out your saving account in the case of an emergency. You must at least take out insurance for your house, car and life. Choose a reputable company whose premium rates suit your income to avoid defaulting and wasting your money.

Tax Planning and Retirement Planning

Plan your tax so as to minimize the amount of your taxes. Reducing your income will bring down your taxable income. An easy way to do this is to contribute towards a retirement plan at work. As a result you can also plan for your retirement while planning your tax. You can also deduct your taxable income by donating to charity. State tax and mortgage interest will also deduct your taxable income. Having more dependents or getting married is another way to deduct your taxable income. You can also get tax credits for adopting children or college expenses.

Top Qualities Of A Business Finance Manager

There is no business that does not want to make a lot of money, in as little time as possible, and still have a little left over after all expenses have been paid. It is the work the finance manager in any company to put in place strategies that will ensure the business does well financially.

The term finance manager is usually a general term for all the other individuals who deal in different financial matters. There are financial controllers, treasure, credit managers and also risk insurance managers. All these deal with matters that are still financial but different in more than one certain ways. However, the qualities to look out for are still the same. To have a good financial manager he/she has to be a people person. Since most of the time these individuals work with a team he/she will have to have good communication skills. This will help them interact well with the other managers. Furthermore, their managerial role means that they are supervisors; therefore, with good interpersonal skills they can be able to lead others.

Financial managers do also require some marketing skills. This will best tell you whether the candidate you have has some inclinations to money earning activities. He/she may not have the required education, but you could have them try to sell you a product so that you can see whether they have a money making sense or not.

With the increase in financial technical computer based instruments a financial manager must have know-how on computers. Moreover, if he/she is adaptable to changes it would be easy for them to change as technology also changes. As the world evolves, new trends come and go and this means that the person you hire to take care of your financial work should also be on the look-out for new trends so that he/she can direct the company to a more profitable position. In addition they should have knowledge of the tax laws that govern your companies industry so that they can incorporated these laws in every aspect that they undertake.

Education and experience are also key factors to look into as you go about hiring a financial manger. Good financial manager are those with enough job experience. As for education, go for those with advanced degrees in finance, economics, business administration and even risk management. Although experience and skills are paramount, it is good to choose a candidate who shows a willingness to learn. This is because such candidates are more likely to be good managers than those showing no willingness at all to learn from others.

Every business owner wants to make money, pay his/her expenses and still have some of it left over. The best way that they can ensure they are making profits is by hiring a finance manager. However, not just any individual can handle company’s financial matters. Even though there is more than one different financial manager titles the qualities to look out for are the same. The individual you choose has to have the right education, experience, and the ability to work as a team.

How to Approach Personal Finance Management

Finance management is one of the most horrifying terms in the world when it comes to many people who are trying to get themselves out of their debt or make some savings out of their income. The concept of personal finance and management seems to override them with confusion.

All this confusion leads them to the conclusion that finance management is almost impossible. This is not right. It is definitely true that the concept of personal finance management and personal budgets is completely confusing, but they are not impossible for sure. It is difficult, but this is the price you have got to pay to make yourself a very stable financial future in which you are not bankrupt and is enjoying your peaceful life.

The first thing is that you have to change your attitude towards personal finance management. If you can make a positive attitude towards it, you have come a long way in it. Once you have this positive attitude, you will have the interest to work out hard on your finance plans. This will also make you determined to follow the budget that you have made for yourself.

In short, the attitude is all that matters in managing your finance. If you have the right attitude, you will find it interesting. Otherwise you will make a mess out of your financial planning. So, learn to make a positive approach to your finance management. You will surely be able to achieve it even though is a bit difficult.